Barcelona is wonderful; the sweet little streets and cute bars with views on gorgeous balconies. But, Barcelona is not just this. There is a lot going on in the streets. What draws my attention the most is the youth on the streets. They are skating, drinking alcohol, smoking and using other drugs. What kind of lifestyle is this? And who are these people? And don’t they have something better to do?

No! These people live their lives from day to day and see what they want to do. Many of these young people have no clear vision of the future or know what they want in life. It is very difficult to get out of this lifestyle. Most young people may get very lazy and have no motivation to go to work or school.

Their night-day rhythms and routines are usually reversed. Because they do not know what they want to do and get bored. Most of them get into a depressive state and use alcohol, weed and cocaine to feel happier. Or to forget about the world for a while, escaping problems.

Unfortunately, a large part becomes addicted to this and their situation worsens. But first and non the least, these are not the only skaters or BMXers. Young people also do this for sports and enjoy learning tricks and being outside, and having social interactions with each other. Many of them are very creative and have their own style and don’t care what others think of them. This is about the pure freedom of life where everyone can be themselves and can wear and do whatever they want. This is why I want to put this group in my photo reportage.
A big thank you to these beautiful, creative, social and relaxed people!